Sunday, October 4, 2015

Worship Leader?

I don't know about you but, I recognized at church nowadays, its difficult to distinguished whether I'm watching a talent show or giving God the glory He deserves. Worship leaders seem to think like they are up there and we go to church as an audience where they are up in the stage to perform. And you have a Pastor cheering them on. I know its about looking unto Jesus, which I tried so hard to do, it is quite bothersome when the music is too loud its deafening you cant even focus on why you are in church in the first place.

I'm confused to think whether we are praising the right God or are we there for gathering session and giving our tithes. Sorry to say, but if I go to church I expect a little respect in God's house, I'm not there to see worship leaders perform. When I go to church, I seek God's presence not to see a lot of talent trying to perform before an audience. I thought to myself, its Not why I go to church just to see worship leaders perform. Because if this is the case, then I should have gone to a musical theater that is. Besides, I'm not there to be amused, just imagine how God will feel being taken away the glory He deserves because all we give glory to is the worship teams performance.

I see basic questions that need to be addressed:

  What constitutes worship?Should biblical songs be accompanied by "theatrics?"
 I won't want to make a rule that singing must be done vocally only because such would exclude deaf people who speak with their hands. However, worship by a church is done by Christians to our God. Becoming a Christian means we are mature enough to understand God's will. "No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD" (Jeremiah 31:34) 
Worship shouldn't be dumbed down to make it entertaining to children. I started to see that  others are just playing, church as their starting point to show off their talents hoping they'll get their big break in their singing career.

 I’m not trying to create a standards that every church will adopt. We know every church is different. What is important is that you make a decision on what you believe and what you stand for. Your conviction will tell you according to the words of God.  And to live a life that will bring honor to Christ.
 Be sincere. Worship from your heart.

Why is it that the Church of Jesus Christ misses the litmus and the definitive?
Because her leaders are doctrinally impotent. We have churches led by children who want children by their side in leadership. We have church/political leaders who are afraid of being unpopular. We have religious/financial leaders who are swayed by income and outgo–nickles and noses.

This is the only explanation for the circus-like arena of activity we are now calling “worship”. It is the only reason “chicken skin” defines “anointing” and skill overshadows gifting. It is why people who are not yet qualified to lead others in worship keep showing up to “play in the band” not probably for money but for fame.
Elders–Bishops–Pastors–Presbytery–Do your job! “Just as shepherds watch over their sheep, you must watch over everyone God has placed in your care. Do it willingly in order to please God, and not simply because you think you must.” James 5:2. In fact, re-read all of James 5 to remember what a true shepherd is to do.

They are not to be bossy, but neither are they to apologize for God’s Word and firm leadership based upon that truth. Who will stand, sit, sing, play, talk, preach on this platform? This is part of your job to “Do your best to win God’s approval as a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed and who teaches only the true message.” II Timothy 2:15

Young people are directed to obey their elders and everyone is to brand the distinguishing fabric and covering of humility.
Pastor–Minister, if you are afraid of offending because you set biblical standards, or you are fearful of not being liked, or you hate confrontation and rejection–then its probably better to think about another career and wait for God to grow you up before you attempt to lead others. Pastor-Minister. If you are cruel and unloving in your application of the Truth, or your insistence of standards, then you have missed the mark. If you do this consistently, then you missed your calling as a critic.

All of this wind-age from me can be encapsulated into this statement.
Your church had better have at least one man of God who fears only God and his calling is evidenced by virtue of his unswerving devotion to the everlasting Word of God as the unmoveable truth of God for the ever changing people of God.

In the absence of such leadership…let the carnival play on–
Let Retail Jesus continue to rule– Let the children play with their gadgets and toys–
Love the world and welcome her in as you mimic her to detail.
Then let the church receive her reprimand as surely she will because Christ loves his bride the church. “When the Lord punishes you, don’t make light of it. And when He corrects you, don’t be discouraged.
The Lord corrects the people he loves (He uses His own standards consistent with the Word we now have) and disciplines those he calls his own.” Hebrews 12:5-6)

 Mature leadership uses God’s Word as the standard. From this base foundation, combined with discernment, no one leads the flock in any capacity without such vetting.
“My friends, we should not all try to become teachers. (musicians in the praise band strutting and exercising ego’s or in a fancy choir with a delicious pipe organ showing off their impeccable skills) In fact, teachers will be judged more strictly than others.” James 3:1) The judgement of God is real and so is His favor with approval.

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